Day Four
Remember It
What has God been teaching you this week through our Bible story?
Read Luke 1:57–80.
Think about It Some More
Can you imagine losing your voice for almost a year? That is what happened to Zechariah. From the day the angel appeared to him until the day his newborn son was named John, he could not speak. It all happened just as the angel of the Lord said it would. Elizabeth gave birth to a son, and as soon as Zechariah wrote on a tablet that the child’s name was John, he was able to talk again. And when he spoke, God used Zechariah as a prophet to announce that the time had come for God’s people to be saved.
He said that God was raising up a “horn of salvation” from the house of David to save them (v. 69). The people listening didn’t know it yet, but Zechariah was talking about the baby Jesus, who was soon to be born as the Savior of the world. Zechariah’s son John grew up to be the man God used to announce the start of Jesus’ ministry.
Talk about It
:: Kids, ask your parents if they can remember why they picked your name for you when you were born. (Parents, let your children know why you picked the names you did for them.)
:: Do you remember why Zechariah and Elizabeth named their baby John? (The angel told them to call him John [Luke 1:13].)
:: After Zechariah could talk again, he spoke a prophecy about Jesus. What do we learn about Jesus from what he said? (Parents, if you have younger children, reread verses 68–79, and instruct them to raise their hands when they hear something about Jesus. Jesus is the “horn of salvation” [v. 69] from the house of David. Jesus will bring “holiness and righteousness” [v. 75] to God’s people, and will save us from our enemies [v. 71]. “Holiness and righteousness” speaks of Jesus’ perfect, sinless life that he would give all of us in exchange for our sins when he died for us on the cross.)
:: What did Zechariah say about his own son? (Zechariah said his son, John, would become a prophet and go before the Lord to prepare a way for him [v. 76].)
Pray about It
Praise God for his wonderful plan of salvation. God had a plan to save us through Jesus long before Jesus was even born.