Love those people next door?
Love your neighbor as yourself. Could it be that simple? The solutions to the problems in our neighborhoods aren’t ultimately found in the government, police, or schools or in getting more people to go to church. The solutions lie with us. It’s within our power to become good neighbors, to care for the people around us and to be cared for by the people around us. There really is a different way to live, and we are finding that it is actually the best way to live. Jesus said the most important thing we can do is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We are discovering that Jesus was actually really smart. You could even say that He was and is a genius. When Jesus was asked to reduce everything important into one command, He gave us a simple and powerful plan that, if acted on, would literally change the world.
Excerpted from The Art of Neighboring by Pathak and Runyon from Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2013 Used by permission.