What not to do
Becoming an Island. John Donne, a famous poet, once wrote: “No man is an island.” This is true; we are all very much connected – or at least we should be. While it’s good to figure out who you are as a person, it’s not good to just get stuck on yourself. We humans can become pretty self-absorbed, which isn’t good for relationships and isn’t a very healthy please to be in general. Most people are extremely turned off by selfish people, anyways. If you’re currently alone on your island, start sharing it with people. You’ll find that a lot of people have been waiting for someone to build a bridge over to their island, and they’d gladly do the same back. They just need someone to do it first. Personally, I’d rather live on an island chain with a lot of people. There’s always gonna be a beach bonfire at some point. And who knows, maybe s’mores. Be an optimist.