The doubling up breakdown
Think about it like this. If a store is doubling up and you bring in a $1 coupon, the store will give you $2 off instead of $1. Some stores will only double up to $1, so if you bring in a coupon for 75¢, they will only increase the discount to $1. The amount they double up to will change based off where you’re shopping. Be aware that some stores only let you double up a certain amount of the same coupon and will only double up to a certain amount. This is where you have to play with the system a bit. For example, pretend you’re shopping for yogurt at Harris Teeter and you have your set of coupons. If Harris Teeter only doubles three “like” coupons and you have four yogurts, only the first three items would double up. However, if you buy six yogurts, using three of the original coupons (75¢/$1) and three (50¢/$1 coupons), all of your coupons would double up because they are different. Pay attention to the amount the store will double up to. If the store you’re shopping in only doubles up to 50¢ and you try to use a 99¢ coupon, it will not double up. In this situation, 50¢ is more valuable than a 99¢ coupon, get it?