A vacation with a mission
“While I was distributing New Testaments at La Universidad Industrial de Santander in Bucaramanga, Colombia,” says the Gideon, identified only as “Bill,” who lives in California, “a young couple came up to me and began asking questions. It was obvious they wanted to know more about Jesus Christ. After answering their questions, I walked them through the Scripture verses in the back of the New Testament. I asked if they wanted to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts and they both answered, ‘Yes!’ I then led them in the sinner’s prayer and congratulated them. I shared that they would need to find a Bible-believing church and to share their newly found faith. This was the very first time I had led someone to the Lord Jesus Christ one-on-one. Within just two days, I had the privilege of leading seven more people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!”
Photo provided by Gideons International