Moms are one of the most significant blessings in our lives. The best part is they come in different forms. We have our birth moms, older friends who are like mothers to us, mother-in-laws and sometimes family members who are like other moms. No matter how much they pour into our lives, the world needs several different kinds of moms. Why? Because they make the world turn. There are several reasons why the world needs moms.
1. She gave you life.
The first and most important reason we need moms is because they gave us life. If it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t be here. This sentiment goes for adoptive moms, biological moms, and surrogates. Our biological moms give us life, and moms of adopted children give them new life from the life their birth parents couldn’t give them. Surrogates could help bring life into the world when they can’t themselves due to health problems and other issues.
2. She’s the emotional backbone of the family.
Moms are the people who are the emotional backbone of the family. They also prioritize others, guaranteeing that everyone’s okay and being there to help their family members.
3. She teaches you about sacrifice.
It’s fascinating how much our moms can teach us about sacrifice, considering all the things they’ve done for us, from working extra jobs and extra hours to putting things they need aside for the things we need.
4. She teaches us about forgiveness.
Moms are excellent models for teaching us forgiveness. They forgive us for mistakes and teach us how to forgive others by being great examples.
5. She gives us boundaries.
Moms are great at teaching us boundaries. All the things she prevented us from doing when we were teenagers and kids were only to protect us in the long run, even if we didn’t understand, and it drove us crazy.
6. She sees and hears everything.
Moms indeed have eyes in the back of their heads. They hear and see everything. Therefore, when you broke her favorite vase and blamed it on your brother or sister, she knew it was you.
7. She teaches us how to be adults.
Our moms teach us a lot, including how to clean, cook, do laundry and manage our finances, which helps us become functioning adults in society.
8. She makes our day.
Our moms make our day just by being around them. It’s always a great time to talk, hang out or do something together, like watch a movie, go out for lunch or go shopping. Spending time with our moms is the best way to lift our spirits.
9. She teaches us about faith.
Moms are the first people to teach us about God and what having faith means. They’re so excellent role models in this by praying, reading their Bibles, and taking us to church. They also pray with us and pray for us when we need it.
10. She teaches us about kindness.
Moms teach us about being kind to everyone, regardless of whether it’s our friends, siblings, or adults in charge of us. Moms also treat us how to treat animals and always be kind, no matter the circumstances.
11. She takes care of us when we’re sick.
Being sick is terrible, and it seems like no matter how old we are, our moms are always happy to take care of us when we need it. Sometimes, we’re simply too sick to move. Other times, we may have to get a procedure done and need help recovering. For example, imagine if you had to have back surgery. Your mother would be there to take care of you for six months if you needed it. You wouldn’t imagine what you would do without her.
12. She treats our friends like her children.
Moms are excellent at treating our friends like they’re their children. This idea is because, as children, our friends hung out at our houses all the time, and we spent a lot of time together. We love moms who do this because not all kids have wonderful mothers, and it’s great for those who don’t have a positive influence in their lives.
13. She loves us unconditionally.
Our moms love us unconditionally, which is a beautiful thing. It’s nice to know that no matter what, our mothers will always have our backs. This doesn’t mean they won’t correct us now and then or tell us what they think, but they still love us.
14. She keeps memories alive.
Moms are great at keeping everything like honor roll report cards, elementary artwork, and old yearbooks. They keep pictures from vacations, family gatherings, proms, graduations, and birthday parties. Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in life and not remember the good times, but moms are great at preserving the best and most significant memories for us to reflect on.
All the moms in our lives are essential in differing ways. We all need the support and love of our moms throughout our lives. Take some time this Mother’s Day to think about the most significant things your mother has done for you. Then, let her know how much it meant to you. Don’t forget to thank the “other” mothers in your life. Sometimes, it takes a village, and all our mothers are excellent.