Let me guess, you’ve heard the snow story and probably the barefoot story? Your grandparents would tell you, “Back in my day, I would walk to school in the snow, uphill, both ways. There would be a foot of snow and they wouldn’t close it down.” Or maybe you heard, “I would walk barefoot all the time and no one fussed about wearing shoes.” Ring a bell? So it shouldn’t surprise you when you find yourself questioning today’s youth and the values of life that are missing, right?
Think about it, every generation has something to say about the upcoming generation. Which leads me to my discussion because I, like the other adults from prior generations, are looking at today’s youth and I’m scratching my head. I believe that technology is a heavy contributor to the paths this generation chooses to take and the values that are being considered worthy and unworthy. Here are 5 values of life missing from today’s youth.