Get Prepared
If your child’s school sends out a list of supplies and expectations ahead of time, make the time to go out and get the things on the list. If there is a reason you can’t get the things requested, let your child’s teacher know before school starts and also let your child know. If you don’t get the list until after school starts, from years past you’ve got a pretty good idea: #2 pencils, washable markers, notebooks, filler paper, a lunch box, non-marking sole gym shoes. Go out and get what you think you might need, save the receipt as you can always take things back.
The Benefit: Children are on edge enough the first few weeks of school. By helping them be prepared, you reduce the need for them to be singled out. Some children also worry about these sorts of things. If they don’t have what they think they are supposed to have, it creates unnecessary stress for them. It will also reduce your own stress level. No one needs to be driving around to three different stores sifting through the remnants of back-to-school materials.