Sparky is a bearded collie who is blind. He is a lesson to all: He does not pity himself and loves life and laughter! He is a part of my organization, Good Puppy, which brings dogs to visit nursing homes, hospitals, and abuse shelters for women and children.
At the nursing home, the older people are so responsive to him. They'll say, "I'm blind," and I'll say, "Sparky doesn't mind, he's blind also."
He is blessed because he never felt sorry for himself like we would. He never acted scared if he stumbled going up stairs--he'd just get right back up.
We also go out to people who are dying at home, not in a hospice. He goes to AIDS patients who don't have friends or company in our area. He'll play with them, letting them pet him and brush his hair. He's a blessing to a lot of people.
My calling is from God, helping and loving dogs and people. I want to share the gift of unconditional, unreserved love and trust through dogs.
We want to be blessed and broaden our territory. We live Jabez's prayer!
--Dina W.