They're Entertaining
Look at this little rat. Just look at him. He’s putting candy in a Halloween bucket with his little rat hands.
As Russell Crowe once exclaimed, are you not entertained?
Animals are not humans. They don’t react to things like we do—they’re very unpredictable, and have their own, unique needs, wants, and goals. They’re also trainable, and can be taught to do a variety of things.
Combined, these traits make your furry little guest very entertaining. Whether they’re zooming around the house for no reason, bringing you your socks, or escaping into the neighbor’s yard, they’re going to keep you entranced and involved.
And what’s more, they’ll light up the lives of your friends and family, as well. Imagine all the people who would visit you if you had a little pet rat that carried around Halloween candy.
But pets don’t have to do anything fancy to get a smile out of you. Sometimes, a simple wag of the tail is all you need.
Get a pet today, and you’ll never be bored.