From, "California Sizzles...Easy and Distinctive Recipes for a Vibrant Lifestyle," published in cooperation with your Daily InBox Newsletter.
1. Steam carrots until crisp, yet tender, and place in a medium saucepan.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and add to carrots.
3. Cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
4. Serve warm.
SERVES: 6 - 8
- 1 pound baby carrots, peeled (fresh or frozen)
- 2 Tablespoons butter or margarine, melted
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 2 Tablespoons dry mustard
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
1. Steam carrots until crisp, yet tender, and place in a medium saucepan.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and add to carrots.
3. Cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
4. Serve warm.
SERVES: 6 - 8