I wish you the most incredible and perfect love
This is always the hardest part. Wanting someone you loved to find someone else is remarkably difficult and tears at the innermost corners of your soul. The truth is I really want it for you now. I hope you find a strong woman with a huge heart; big enough to love you the way I wasn't meant to. I hope she is beautiful and gentle. I hope she is patient and kind. I hope she is brilliant and resilient. I hope she loves you every single day, and is honest and faithful to you. I hope she knows exactly when it's time to order takeout and pour a few drinks, or when it's time to let you think. I hope she can be strong when you cannot, and carry you through the hard times. I hope she can give you strong hugs and perfectly timed kisses when you need them most. I hope she loves the way you look when your hair starts turning gray, or when you are out in the yard playing with little people who have your eyes and endearing smile. I know she will because you deserve that and I can't explain how happy that makes me.
May we all learn to forgive and to want what is best for others. May we all learn to support and dream for each other, even if it's from a distance and even if they have hurt us. May the love of acceptance set us free.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."