
(Has your partner taken this quiz yet?  If not, return to the Companionship Quiz.)

If you and your partner score the same: 

It's time to celebrate, for you're matched well on this vital dimension of intimacy. You each enjoy a high level of satisfaction about soul-baring with your partner. The two of you share the same degree of ease about how much closeness—-and space-—is optimal for your personal well-being. Consequently, your sense of togetherness flows naturally. Know that when differences arise, they will be mild and fleeting.   


If you score higher than your partner.  

Emotional closeness is more important to you than for your partner. At times, you may therefore find yourself feeling a bit isolated in this relationship—-with more space than you really want. Filling it happily will take energy. If you respect your partner's need for solitude and get your soul-baring needs adequately met by other friendships, your bond has the best chance of success.  


If you score lower than your partner:

Your partner needs more emotional intimacy than you do. That's their oxygen, their bliss. For you, soul-baring just isn't as necessary for your happiness together. Express your rightful need for private-time, but do so softly and non-intrusively. Humor can be helpful. When you sense your partner's immediate need for closeness, make that loving effort right then and there.



(Has your partner taken this quiz yet?  If not, return to the Materialism Quiz.)

If you and your partner score the same: 

Congratulations, for you're drawn to a similar lifestyle and well-matched when it comes to taste for glamour. When it comes to spending money on fashionable clothes, décor, restaurants and vacations, you share a view about what's important for happiness-—and what's not. Whether for ordinary or special occasions, your choices about style and simplicity flow together harmoniously.


If you score higher than your partner: 

Expect to disagree about expenditures. In your view, life's special pleasures are meant to be enjoyed—-and worth spending money on. Driving a fancy car, wearing chic clothing, and dining at tony restaurants allure you. But not your partner--who instead sees mainly dollar signs. How to bridge this gap? Show your affection by tuning down your need for style at times, and joining in bargain-hunting. Together you'll make the right balance.   


If you score lower than your partner:

Count on disagreements about spending money, for a "simple" lifestyle matters more to you than to your partner. In your view, glamour and fashion aren't so important--and you don't want to be a spendthrift. Finding bargains and cost-cutting opportunities are more appealing than lavish expenditures. How to overcome this gap? Be willing to indulge your partner's stylish tastes and respect their advice for you. Pleasant surprises may be in store.


Inner Well-Being

(Has your partner taken this quiz yet?  If not, return to the Inner Well-Being Quiz.)

If you and your partner score the same:

Congratulations, for your inner states—-whether they are joyful or stressed--match well. When it comes to optimism, you share a similar view—-and in reacting to the ups and downs of life, you're in sync with each other. You handle both daily routines and big events with strong agreement as to what's important, and not so. Whether tipped to the dark or light side at any particular time, together you're a true pair. 


If you score higher than your partner: 

Expect some disagreements, for you're the sunnier one in dealing with life's situations. You're less likely to worry about future events or dwell on past hurts. To you, things usually turn out fine. But not for your partner, who probably sees your attitude as unrealistic and perhaps even uncaring. How to create a balance between the two of you? By showing that you're practicality-minded--as well as optimistic--and willing to consider unforeseen possibilities.  


If you score lower than your partner:

Compared to your partner, you're a worrier. You're less optimistic and more concerned with things--both big and small--that can go wrong in daily life. You feel you are simply being realistic, but your attitude can seem overly negative to others. Likewise, relaxing is harder for you when you're together with your partner. How to strengthen your bond? Trust more in your partner's sunny view. Take in the calmness they exude as you would exotic waters. A joyous surprise awaits you.

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