All relationships must be built on mutual respect. Interfaith relationships can push this to the limits especially when the honeymoon phase wears off. Depending on the two religions mixing, there may not be a lot of overlap, or the religions may have places of contradiction. Many Christian denominations condemn divination and polytheism. Both of these, however, are central to many Neopagans’ practices. Muslims are wary of anything that could be construed as making idols. Hindus cheerfully fill home shrines with statues and paintings of the deities.
In an interfaith relationship, there will be a time when the two faiths clash. It may be over something minor, or it may be over something major. At that point, you have a decision to make. You can walk away, or you can find a way to make the relationship work. This might mean that, as a Christian, you have to tolerate a shine to Shiva living in the china cabinet. It could also mean that, as a Neopagan, you simply accept that you have to either learn what being Kosher truly means or relinquish grocery shopping and cooking duties. In these cases, you have to respect that the practices that seem so strange to you are deeply important to your significant other. You need to respect their wishes, and yes, that might mean living with bird feathers on the coffee table, eating breakfast before the sun is up during Ramadan or “saying goodnight” to Vishnu before bed.