Their Ex is Still Around
When you are dating someone who has kids, the odds are good that their ex is still in their lives. After all, there was another person involved in creating the children. While sometimes the parent’s ex may have just walked out the door and disappeared, that is unlikely to be the case. It is more probable that the single parent still has to drop their daughter off for “weekends at her dad’s” or make sure that their son has everything he needs for Thanksgiving with his mom.
The odds are good you will meet the ex at some point, and you might hear a lot about him or her. If your date wants to rant and rave, let them, but refrain from piling your own hate on their ex. There is a complicated history between a single parent and their ex. Giving your opinion of the ex is rather like marching through a minefield blindfolded. One wrong move, and the relationship is over.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the single parent may be perfectly content to pretend that their child just appeared in the crib one day without another person being involved in the child’s creation. If that is the case, take the hint, and refrain from asking about the ex. There is probably a reason the single parent does not want to talk about their ex. Respect their wishes in the matter.