Game of Thrones
This show, although full of masterful plot twists around every corner, unfortunately shows more skin than Miami’s East beach, and works an orgy into every episode. One time an especially scandalous character dropped trou, and I still for the life of me don’t know why. Whatever the reason, if you happen to be a single person trying to keep a pure thought life, shows like Outlander and GOT aren’t the entertainment picks for you. Even if you manage to cling to your covers and reassure yourself you’ll have lots of time for such fun when you meet Mr. Right, these lusty shows can be even more depressing even romantic comedies. At least with the latter, you don’t actually want corny, predictable romance. But that last GOT scene with John Snow and the wildling girl - oh please Lord let this man-drought be over. Yes, the single crowd should stick to a strict diet of Jane Austen flicks, where champions of chasteness went years before getting their man. Heads up, ladies, there’s a Mr. Darcy around the next corner, now cancel your HBO immediately.