List Time is Over So Let's End With a Couple Closing Thoughts.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, would men really have nothing to do with women that violated these lists?" To which I would respond, "Of course they'd have something to do with the women but that's not the same as them dating the women." This men's list of undesirable traits is eerily similar to that of women's. People must be attracted to each other. No one wants to date someone needy or clingy. No one wants to date someone that can't stand on their own two feet in the world. This list happens to be interesting and true. It, and other lists like it, can also be a downer for people that read too far into it. Don't let it bring you down. Instead, investigate whether you have some of these traits and simply recognize they may play a factor in your dating world. If they are traits you'd like to address and fix, splendid. But don't make this (or any other list) your primary motivation for doing so. You want to change for yourself and if there are other benefits for doing so, so be it.