Spend quality of time together.
When you spend so much time away, love starts to fade away. They keep saying that true love will stay forever, no matter what happens. But movies about lovers separated by wars become famous only because that is what everyone wants to believe, and it isn't true. Real life love requires togetherness.
Find some free time from the things you do, and then spend some time with them, just with them, just the two of you, talking and thinking about each other. You can just hang out and talk, or you can do things that both of you like. The activities you choose could be cooking, travel, or other fun things you can do together. Choose anything that both of you will love.
When you have to spend some time away from each other, share jokes on Skype, post your favorite links on each other’s social media pages, or play multi-player games together. This will keep you both in love even when you're far away from each other.