Our husbands are the leaders of our families and desperately need our prayers. While God is a God who is after the hearts of our husbands, the Enemy is also after them as well.
We need to trust God with our prayers and daily surrender our marriage and our husband to the Lord. By intentionally praying over our spouse, we are investing in his role as our spiritual leader and learning to trust God.
Proverbs 31:11-12 says, “The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.”
To do our husbands good, we must ask for great things for them. We must pray strong prayers for them— powerful prayers for them. Our words aren’t meant to just float over them. Our words are meant to protect them, to lift them up, to encourage them and to help them become the men God needs them to be.
We have no other more intimate relationship on this earth than the one we have with our husbands. Praying intentionally for our husbands allows us to reflect that intimacy. After all, who better can know when something is on your husband’s mind? We can go before the Lord and ask to protect our husband from the Enemy who tries to prey on those weaknesses.
Finally, prayer tells your husband that he is important. We are all busy wives and moms and sisters and daughters, but praying strong prayers for our husbands show that we value them.
Here are 10 strong prayers to pray for your husband.