Touch Her
Hold hands in public and in private. Kiss her awake. Kiss her goodnight. Touch her arm while you speak to her. Touch her hair as you walk by.
Touch connects us. It is our primary language of compassion and attraction. It makes us feel loved and encourages a sense of belonging.
Physical touch is highly associated with relationship satisfaction, and is one of the easiest ways to love your wife. It can combine with the inherent warmth of a spoken “I love you,” and catapult it into deep intimacy. It releases endorphins that make us feel happy and content. It can let your wife know that you care, and that she is special.
So what are some great ways to encourage touch?
Go dancing. Dance classes can put you in close contact with your wife, as well as give the two of you a hobby to enjoy together.
For a little more intimacy, give your wife a massage, particularly of the hands, feet, and shoulders, which create emotional release when touched.
Finally, do what you know—kissing, hugging, back rubs, and other familiar love touches. But here’s the thing—do them in abundance. Don’t let a day go by where you haven’t done one of these things.
There’s nothing easier.