6 Resolutions for a Happy Marriage
While resolutions are famously reserved for the beginning of every New Year, when it comes to looking for ways to make a marriage healthier, stronger and ultimately happier, we feel that it’s a goal that should be strived for on a daily basis. (Don’t you?)
Not only that but being that so many articles cite the fact that marriage is becoming obsolete, and also being that nearly half of them (unfortunately) end in divorce, we know it can be easy to get a bit anxious on the days when things aren’t going as well as you’d like. But in the wise words of a woman by the name of Fawn Weaver “’Happily ever after’ is not a fairy tale. It is a choice.” And one of the strongest choices that you could ever make when it comes to your relationship is choosing to make this year the best one that you (and yours) have had thus far!