Believe it or not, there are a million questions that run through a wife’s mind every day – and if she’s also a mother, there are probably more like two million questions. As a husband, it’s important to know what your wife is thinking about on a daily basis because it will help you bond and connect with her on a deeper level. Nonetheless, if there are any uncertainties or concerns that she frequently deals with, it would be nice for you to know what those issues at hand may be. Being aware of each other will allow you to overcome barriers and walls that are sometimes built without our knowledge. While I may not be a mind reader, as a wife myself, I’m pretty confident that I can give husbands out there a brief overview of the general questions wives commonly ask themselves.
Am I attractive?
Not to sound superficial but women, especially ones that have been married for a while, want to know if their spouse still finds them attractive. Let’s be honest, as time passes by so does gravity and things are to be quite frank are not in the same places they use to be. Whether you’ve given birth or your laugh lines are more prominent, as a woman your insecurities come into a play quite often. So husbands, tell your wife that she’s beautiful and that you love her more than the day you met her. Along with that question comes another similar concern, will my spouse still find me attractive in five to ten years. If a husband is actively telling his wife how beautiful and smart she is, this question will quickly be glossed over and won’t be so prominent.
Did I do a good job?
Another question wives ask themselves is am I doing enough. It doesn’t matter if your wife stays at home or works a full-time job, every day when it’s all said and done she will wonder if she did a good enough job. Did she clean enough, was the meal she prepared delicious, were the kids happy today, what did everyone think about her presentation – those are just a few of the questions she may have. Vocalize to your wife that she’s enough and that the efforts she is making are exactly what you need. Hearing that she is enough will make a big difference in her day-to-day.
How am I going to make this all happen?
Your wife may also constantly wonder how she’ll be able to get everything done. She’ll probably make a to-do list in her head and check things off throughout the day. However, before she begins checking tasks off she’s most definitely asking herself how in the world she’ll get it all accomplished. Now knowing this, as a husband, take an initiative and ask your wife how you can help her out. She may look at you with a confused face the first few times you propose the question; however, your extra hands will truly be appreciated. One of those tasks most likely involves dinner – at least if your wife is the chef too.
What the heck is for dinner?
Therefore, she’s probably thinking about dinner and wondering what she’s going to make? Help your wife out. Offer to cook a few times a week – this will alleviate some of the stress from your wife and give her some time to focus on something else or perhaps even give her with some much needed down time.
Guidance please?
Most Christian wives are also asking Jesus for guidance. Try to provide your wife with the support she needs with this request. Even though you can’t provide her with the guidance your Lord and Savior will give, you can still offer to pray and/or attend Bible study together. Your faithful contribution will show your wife that you are willing to stand by her side no matter what.
Will I ever have ‘me’ time?
It’s probably no surprise that your wife is also asking herself, when she will have some down time for just herself? In general, women tend to be very nurturing and want to provide comfort to anyone. Even though your wife may be taking on a lot, she probably doesn’t realize that and most likely tends to put herself as last on the prioritization. Make it a point to recognize her efforts and allow her to have “me” time. This can be taking the kids to the park for a few hours, while she has the house to herself. Or it could be planning a trip for her and some friends to get away and take a much needed break. Recognizing your wife as a priority will help her feel important and allow her to breathe.
Am I a role model?
One of the biggest questions I tend to ask myself is whether or not others would view me as a role model. I try very hard to find a balance with being a wife, mom and career woman; therefore, I am constantly asking myself whether or not I have achieved that. I want my children to look up to me and see my accomplishments. I want my kids to recognize that great things can be accomplished as long as you’re willing to put forth the effort – this is true and relevant both in my career and marriage goals.
Oftentimes it feels like a wife’s job is never done. We try to make sure that everyone is happy and most of the time we’re doing this before we are even truly happy. And in all actuality, we wouldn’t have it any other way. Even though we’re constantly questioning so many different things in our lives, we know that we are capable and can get it done. If our husbands and our awesome God are by our side, anything truly is attainable. So husbands, try to be a positive reinforcement for your wife. Know that she needs you and values your opinion. Moreover, take the advice that you have read today and apply it to your everyday life. You’ll find that being proactive within your relationship will help you bond and overall bring a couple together even closer. You may not be able to read her mind, but you’ll definitely at least be on the same wave length.