How to Fight Effectively With Your Spouse
Marriage is a gift from God and can be an incredible union of love, safety, and togetherness. However, marriage can also be extremely difficult as two imperfect people interact on a daily, intimate basis. Out of these imperfections often comes conflict about finances, in-laws, children, sex, etc. If conflicts are worked through effectively then a couple can often grow closer and develop a deeper sense of unity in their marriage. However, if conflicts aren’t worked through effectively, which is usually more common, feelings get hurt and resentment takes root, breaking down tender areas of intimacy needed for a healthy marriage.
Being able to successfully manage conflicts does not come naturally and can be observed in children. When kids get upset, they say mean things, refuse to talk, stomp off, etc. Not much usually changes as those children grow up and start having conflicts with their spouse. Unfortunately, not enough time and energy is spent focusing on how to resolve conflicts more effectively. Therefore, we must start praying for God’s wisdom and learn how to master conflicts with our spouse in order to transform our marriages into his likeness.