Loving Couple

There are a number of indicators that point to a good Christian marriage. Most of the characteristics you may think are most important in a spouse may not be ones that make for a good, lifelong relationship. A good Christian wife isn’t perfect, rather she is constantly learning and working on developing a closer relationship with God. Instead of focusing on perfection, she is constantly working to build up her relationship with her husband through the help of God. A strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ is incredibly important to her. A Christian wife can and will love her husband in a range of ways. This will look different in each family. One of the most important ways a Christian wife supports her husband is in the area of counsel. She seeks to grow in knowledge and wisdom in God’s Word as well as her callings in life, so she can give her husband the best possible guidance in all circumstances. Here are five important things the Bible teaches wives about loving their husbands.

Love Him With Compassion

Compassion is one of the most important qualities in a marriage and one of the most important character traits a woman demonstrates in her marriage. The Bible tells us, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Colossians 3:12). In the New Testament, the first mention of the word compassion is found in Matthew 9:6: “But when he saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” Jesus looking over the multitudes was moved with compassion because He saw their weariness and how lost they were. A Christian woman models after this. The definition of compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. A compassionate wife is able to recognize when her spouse is suffering in some way. She is loving and kind and can help them move through their process.

Love Him Unconditionally

People tend to believe that glorious “true love” relationships are impossible these days, but we have the power to turn our own relationships into just that. We are called “above all to love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). A Christian wife should love unconditionally. She values her husband for who he is. Unconditional love in essence is true love so different from the kind of love most of have known all our lives that it deserves a definition of its own. Unconditional love is caring about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves. She also reflects this love in her relationship with family. It’s not unconditional love when other people like us for doing what they want or demand of us. It isn’t a feeling, it’s a behavior. Unconditional love is ever-flowing.

Trust Him

This is about more than fidelity in marriage. A Christian wife wants her husband to know that he can trust her and depend on her just like she trusts and depends on him. She seems their marriage as a partnership. You guys are a team. God is the coach. In Proverbs 31, we find first that the excellent wife is trustworthy. Scripture tells us, “The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain” (Proverbs 31:11-12). The Bible tells us her worth is far above jewels. A husband trusts her when she does him good and not evil all the days of her life. He will have confidence in her when he is encouraged. The trustworthy wife seeks to do her husband good all the days of her life.

Encourage Him

Proverbs 16:9 says, “A man’s heart plans His way, but the Lord directs his steps.” A loving Christian woman will try to make her husband a better man. A woman who cherishes her husband will uplift him. This is one of her most valuable qualities. Any man who has a great wife will tell you that she makes him a better man. She doesn’t have to say or do anything, it just is the way. Your wife should elevate you to your best self. You can get a good idea from your friends and family. Do they say or act differently in a bad way when you are around her? Not a good sign. A Christian wife brings out the best in you. She also encourages her husband in a multitude of ways. She is honest with her husbands about any concerns she may have regarding matters and protects her family from harmful circumstances.

Revelation 21:3 says, “They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God.” One of the best ways to love your husband is to be grounded in faith together. A Christian wife keeps Christ at the center of her marriage. You and your wife share many common interests. On top of being unbelievably similar, a good wife should share the same beliefs, values, hopes and dreams. You are inspired by each other when you share the same worldview, background and core beliefs, which will allow the two of you to build a strong, loving foundation based on mutual respect. You are attracted to each other physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Too often, we end up in relationships with people who don’t share our beliefs and values and the relationship gets derailed before it even had a chance.

Loves Him Selflessly

Ephesians 4:2-3 says, “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Another way to love your husband is selflessly. A good Christian wife doesn’t just value herself but also values others. A selfless woman always puts God first. She also puts other people’s wishes, interests or aspirations first because she values others. Look at the way she treats her family and friends. Giving to others comes naturally to her. She finds happiness in giving away her energy, time and hard earned money, even to those who need help but don’t ask for it, she’s the epitome of selfless.

It is certainly not an easy decision to choose who to love in marriage. Making the wrong decision can cost you a lot. Fortunately, it is most definitely possible to form a bond with the right person that will last a lifetime. What’s important is understanding that the person you choose to marry will uplift you. That person should add to your life, not take away from it. A Christian woman puts God first and values her marriage covenant and her love for her husband will reflect this.

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