Your wedding day is one of the most unforgettable days of your life as a bride. It’s the day you become one with the most fantastic guy on God’s earth. It’s also the day you say goodbye to singlehood, starting a new path of no return. You may be in a whirl of mixed emotions that day, ecstatic on the one hand and a nervous wreck on the other, and remember that all eyes will be on you. Lots of your friends and family will be in their seats trying to catch a glimpse of you.
As the bride basks in her big day’s glitz, excitement, and anxiety, what can the people around her do to help her get through the day? How can they help her fortify her marriage? The best thing you can do is pray for her. Praying for a bride on her wedding day can calm her down, give her confidence, and help her put things in perspective. Initially, she may be too rattled to listen closely to the prayers that day, but when she looks back, she’ll appreciate them. Here are some prayers for a bride on her wedding day.
Pray she’ll build her marriage on the rock.
Dear Lord, we pray that You’ll allow (the bride’s name) to build her marriage on the rock, not on the sand. We pray that she’ll be a hearer and doer of Your word and ask that she respect, love, submit to, forgive, and honor her husband. We pray that You will empower her to follow the instructions where her marriage is concerned in Your word.
We pray she’ll be a wise woman who creates her house with her hands and doesn’t tear it down. We ask that You help her weather any challenge she may face in her marriage and that this union will withstand any challenge to the glory of Your name. Amen.
Pray she’ll feel joy in her marriage.
Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for blessing (the bride’s name) with a partner. We pray that her marriage will be a source of joy, not sorrow. The Bible tells us that two are better than one because they’ll be rewarded for their work. We pray You will bring her to a new level of happiness and joy as she starts a new life with her husband. We hope You will give her wisdom to fight off the people/things trying to sabotage her happiness in marriage. We pray that You fill her home with laughter and rejoicing in the glory of Your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
Pray she’ll be donned with honor and strength.
Dear Lord, we pray that You may give (the bride’s name) the strength to handle all the responsibilities in this new phase of life. We pray that Your power will be made perfect in her flaws. We hope that she’ll be conscientious in her work and that you’ll allow her to honor You in all that she does. We pray that whatever work her hands find, she’ll do it with all of her power. Please, Lord, help her to do her work enthusiastically for You, not for man. May her work bring honor and glory to Your name. Amen.
Pray she keeps her first love.
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that as (the bride’s name) transitions into her new phase of life, she doesn’t abandon her love for You. We hope she will seek Your kingdom and its righteousness first so that any other aspect of her life will be aligned. We pray she won’t forget studying Your word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers and that she won’t allow the busyness of marriage to disrupt her relationship with You.
We also pray that she won’t forsake her first love for her husband and not allow sluggishness and familiarity to sneak into her marriage. May she constantly work on her marriage and seek to honor and serve her husband to the glory of Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Pray she’s a blessing to her husband.
Dear Lord, we pray that (the bride’s name) will try to be a blessing for her husband as long as they’re married. Give her the strength to give kindness to him even when she feels like he doesn’t deserve it. Help her find joy in serving, loving, encouraging, and praying for him. May she attempt to support his dreams and fulfill his needs. Your word says we were made for good works, which God prepared in advance for us to walk in them. May (the bride’s name) find all the good works you decreed for her in marriage, and may she perform them to the glory of Your name. Amen.
Pray she’ll forgive her husband willingly.
Dear Heavenly Father, we know that marriage is the closest relationship, and that’s where offense quickly takes root. We know there will be times when (the bride’s name) will feel offended by her husband’s actions or words. We pray you may give her the grace and strength to forgive her husband during those times. We pray that You remind her to extend mercy to her husband like she received mercy from You. The Bible asks us not to let any root of bitterness come up among us, defiling many or causing trouble. We pray that she’ll quickly forgive, to the glory of Your name. Amen.
Pray she’ll submit to her husband.
Dear Lord, we pray that You’ll give (the bride’s name) the grace to submit to her husband. We pray that You’ll empower her husband to love her as Christ loved the church, so that submission for her isn’t a burden but a delight. Help her love, honor, serve, and respect her husband for the glory of Your name. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.
Weddings are days meant to celebrate the union of two lovers. The bride will remember the glitz and glamour and being the center of attention. Still, the best gift you can give her is the gift of prayer. It’s free, and she’ll appreciate that you loved her enough to pray for her.