2016-07-27 2016-07-27
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va., March 27 (RNS)--Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson is a reverend again, following a ceremony Monday in which he reaffirmed his ordination vows.

Robertson, originally ordained in 1960 as a Southern Baptist minister, dropped his ordination in 1988 when he ran for the Republican nomination for president.

"I have just completed my 70th birthday, and feel at this critical juncture of my life that I want to dedicate what's left in a special way to world missions and world evangelization," Robertson said in a statement released after the ceremony at Regent University's Robertson Hall here.

"This is not an ordination to any particular denomination, but merely an affirmation to God and man that the focus of what is left of my life will be to worldwide Christian service."

Members of an "Ordination Council," who will serve as a board of spiritual advisers for Robertson's worldwide ministry, heard and responded to his vows of reaffirmation. Its members include the Rev. Jack Hayford, president of the King's Seminary in Los Angeles; the Rev. Thomas Trask, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God; Vinson Synan, dean of the School of Divinity of Regent University; and Episcopal Bishop John W. Howe of the Diocese of Central Florida.

"Pat has a renewed sense of urgency to continue spreading the gospel in a worldwide ministry, and he recognizes the need to officially reaffirm his calling," Synan said in a statement.

Robertson, who turned 70 on March 22, is best known for having founded the Christian Coalition as well as the Christian Broadcasting Network in Virginia Beach. He also founded Regent University, the American Center for Law and Justice and Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corp.

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