Supreme Court Cases
News Stories on Beliefnet:
The Supreme Court rejected a challenge in Virginia to a mandated moment of silence
October 29, 2001
Supreme Court upholds right of evangelical Christian group to meet after hours in public school classrooms.
June 12, 2001
High-court tackles politically charged issue of what constitutes religious worship in public school settings.
February 28, 2001
Christian groups assert that certain prayer activities are still permitted, despite the Supreme Court's recent decision
September 20, 2000
Few recite Lord's Prayer at Texas school at center of Supreme Court ban on sanctioned football game prayers
September 2, 2000
The Appalachian Pagan Alliance applied to hold a "We Still Work Magic" rally at the high school stadium where Christians staged a "We Still Pray" rally
August 31, 2000
Christians urged to recite Lord's prayer before high school football games' kick-off
August 24, 2000
High school students plan to recite Lord's Prayer at football games
August 23, 2000
Southern hospitality evaporated after he complained about Christian prayers and an evangelism program at the local high school
June 16, 2000
Santa Fe schools chief says board will consult attorneys before deciding what to do in wake of Supreme Court ruling
June 20, 2000
The decision is a crushing defeat for school-prayer advocates and could extend far beyond public school sports events
June 19, 2000
Even mentioning God in the Pledge of Allegiance can ostracize some. By Jonathan Zimmerman
A study shows that Americans have a greater appetite for public religion than the government allows. By Richard Land
In the South, prayer before football games will go on. By Christine Wicker
Is invoking God in public before a football game constitutional? By Richard Land
The Santa Fe case is a "symptom of a greater problem and the beginnings of Christian prejudice." By Dawson McAllister
June 12, 2001
Decision: Milford's restriction violates the Club's free speech rights. The Club has a legal right to hold meetings after school hours in public school classrooms.
June 19, 2000
Decision: The District's policy permitting student-led, student-initiated prayer at football games violates the Establishment Clause.
June 24, 1992
Decision: Including clergy who offer prayers as part of an official public school graduation ceremony is forbidden by the Establishment Clause.
June 4, 1985
Decision: Minute of silence law in Alabama violates the First Amendment.
June 17, 1963
Decision: The requirement that passages from the Bible be read or that the Lord's Prayer be recited in the public schools of a state at the beginning of each school day is outlawed.
June 25, 1962
Decision: State officials may not compose an official state prayer and require that it be recited in the public schools of the state at the beginning of each school day.