WASHINGTON, April 26 (AP)--Sen. Joseph Lieberman says the entertainment industry hasn't kept its promise to quit marketing sex and violence to kids, so he's keeping his by pushing for a bill that would penalize companies that continue the practice.

The bill, introduced Thursday, would expand the Federal Trade Commission's authority to crack down on businesses that engage in ``false and deceptive advertising practices.'' Entertainment companies found to be marketing adult material to minors would be subject to fines of $11,000 per day.

The FTC issued a report this week critical of the film and video game industries but singling out the music industry as the worst offender in the study of promotions for adult movies, music and video games to minors.

Hilary B. Rosen, president of the Recording Industry Association of America, acknowledged shortcomings but said the industry is working to strengthen its guidelines.

The Motion Picture Association of America plans to oppose the bill by Lieberman, D-Conn., and Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis., on grounds it infringes on free-speech rights.

``Senator Lieberman is a defender of the First Amendment, so how can he square that with this legislation?,'' asked MPAA spokesman Rich Taylor.

Lieberman is a longtime critic of the entertainment industry and promised last year to introduce a bill if the industry failed to police itself and stop marketing sex and violence to children.

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