As the leader of an international Christian relief organization, my calling is to provide food, clothing, housing, supplies, and medical care to hurting people everywhere, regardless of faith. Our organization, Samaritan's Purse, has in the past and is currently providing more relief and aid to Muslim people than to any other people in the world--support amounting to tens of millions of dollars in countries including Bosnia, Kosovo, Lebanon, Sudan, and Afghanistan.

As a Christian minister, my calling and focus is to proclaim the God of the Christian faith to all who will listen and hear, and to love all people, regardless of their faith.

It is not my primary calling to analyze Islam or any other religions, though I recognize that all religions have differences. In the past, I have expressed my concerns about the teachings of Islam regarding the treatment of women and the killing of non-Muslims, or "infidels." I do not intend to comment further.

As America continues its healing process, I am encouraged by a national surge of faith. I pray that out of tragedy and pain, millions of people will find a renewal of faith.

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