The campaign #BringBackOurGirls has helped launch international efforts to save the 276 Nigerian school girls kidnapped by Islamic extremist in April. The message reached Hollywood, Main Street, and the White House.
First Lady Michelle Obama, Salma Hayek , Justin Timberlake and Sean Penn held placards with the #BringBackOurGirls to raise public awareness.
Despite efforts, the fight continues, as placards are not enough.
Islamic militants of Boko Haram, a terrorist organization located in northeast Nigeria, abducted the girls with guns from their school dormitory in the town of Chibok, south of the state. Nigerian military took to three weeks to visit the village, providing little muscle to the estimated 200 invaders. According to Amnesty International the military did not have soldiers or enough time to respond. Searching for the girls over 60,000 square kilometers of forest would be another challenge for rescuers. Countries like the U.S., Great Britain, Spain, Israel and other surrounding countries will provide technical support. Reaper drones have been reportedly sent by the U.S. to collect surveillance and satellite images by autonomous flight or by remote control. Nigerians decided not to wait for help and created a group of 500 hunters armed with knives, poisoned spears, and handmade weapons to track the assailants. The Coordinator of the Joint Information Centre on Chibok girls said security is on high alert. “All apparatuses of security agencies are on high alert to make sure that the security of citizens is guaranteed. We believe that it is the handiwork of mischief makers but we will, however, not take things for granted. Therefore, authorities have deployed appropriate personnel within the metropolis and around the school to ensure that the threat is not taken for granted.” Prayer vigils are being held across the U.S. to support the missing girls. #BringBackOurGirls hosted hundreds of people who stood in solidarity in Washington, D.C. in front of the Nigerian Embassy.