Ashcroft: Faith & Politics
Pentecostals' Favorite Son
This article from the Hannibal Courier Post was written when Ashcroft was mulling a presidential run in 1999. It offers a good analysis of Ashcroft's religious beliefs and practices.

The Spiritual State of the Nation
A 1998 interview with John Ashcroft and two other Christian members of Congress, from Pentecostal Evangel magazine.

John Ashcroft and Richard Gephardt
A comparison of John Ashcroft and Richard Gephardt, with special attention given to Ashcroft's religious background, the Assemblies of God, and his father, J. Robert Ashcroft, the well-known Pentecostal leader.

Sackcloth & Ashcroft
A 1997 article from World Magazine explains why Ashcroft was poised to become the candidate of the Religious Right.

Ashcroft's Top Contributors
This listing shows that Ashcroft was the top Senate recipient of money from religous groups during the most recent campaign. His church, the Assemblies of God, ranks sixth among his top contributors.

John Ashcroft's Big Mistake
A Salon.com article suggests that Ashcroft's blocking of Ronnie White for a federal judgeship because of his pro-choice politics cost him his Senate seat. The move might block Ashcroft's confirmation as attorney general as well.

Pentecostalism Basics
The Spirit Speaks
A good overview of Pentecostalism, focusing on beliefs, history, and recent events. From Sojourner's Magazine.

Speaking in Tongues
Opposing views on the subject from Ontario Consultants on Religous Tolerance.

Should We All Speak in Tongues?
An overview of Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movement from Christianity Today magazine.

"They Shall Take Up Serpents"
An article from Christian History magazine about snake handling among Pentecostals.

Movements, Revivals, and Organizations
Assemblies of God
The largest Pentecostal denomination in the world, with more than 32 million members. Members of the Assemblies of God, including John Ashcroft, ascribe to these fundamental truths.

Brownsville Revival
Pentecostal church in Pensacola, Florida. Home of the "Pensacola Outpouring."

Smithton Community Church
Website of the outpouring in Smithton, Missouri.

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship
Website of the famous revival. Has detailed information about the Toronto revival, plus a comprehensive list of links to other revivals and renewal movements.

Church of God in Christ
One of the major African-American Pentecostal denominations. The group claims 8 million members, as of 1997.

United Pentecostal Church International
An umbrella group Pentecostal churches that claims 3,876 churches and about 600,000 members in the U.S. and Canada and 2.6 million worldwide.

Pentecostal World Conference
Organization of Pentecostal groups around the world that meets triennially to share ideas for world evangelization.

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