The List
Now that you know the three biblical principles needed to guide your vote, you are probably wondering if there is a general list available to help with the process. While these are definitely not all of the excellent traits and qualities needed, this list can serve as a general guideline for assessment. A Godly candidate will be: above reproach, self-controlled, respectable, not a drunkard, gentle, not quarrelsome, not greedy, manages family well, stays true to Godly truth and values, not overbearing, not quick tempered, not a mere talker, willingness to share, and possesses real wisdom that could benefit others.
Before casting a vote, think long and hard about the traits and characteristics your candidate possesses. Be honest with yourself and do the research. Don’t rely on a mental check list, write it down. Check off all the things, so you can gain a real perspective on what your candidate has and doesn’t have. Remember, no one is going to be perfect.