Soft drizzles mist through the air,
Dancing life into delicate petals below.
Do those petaled beauties accept this generous gift,
Extending their stamens to catch and swallow?

Or do tiger lilies flounce their jaws fiercely,
Fighting off live-giving sustenance,
And lilies choke as their cup-like shapes
Gag on more than their share?

Will marigolds bristle with complaint
At the inconvenience and bother,
While pansies stir their faces
Into frowning, fighting attitudes?

Have they threatened the heavens
With fist-like leaves and angry cry?
No! They understand, far better than I,
That though life rains, it need not reign.

Will we ever learn that like flowers,
We can soak in all that You send
And see You for the growing necessity that You are,
While not letting rain reign over us.

-Brenda Wood, Community Writer

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