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Small Hr

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Small Hr

your daily prayable

Small Hr

I'm supposed to be good with words,
but my friend is so sick.
She needs me to cheer her up,
to crack wise in my funny accent.
I don't know what tomorrow will bring.
What I do know is Who will bring tomorrow.
All I can tell her is that there is always hope.
Speak through me as I comfort and encourage her,
and make my words true.  
Be there, where the hurt is.
Let the healing begin from the inside out.
Give her a chance to grow grey hairs,
to qualify for a senior discount,
to reminisce with me.

-  Ruth Williams

Small Hr

Small Hr

The Prayables Community

From Our Social Media:

On : Sharon Sinclair
said, "Hi Tanja. Your lovely prayer about the wonder of prisms resonated clearly with me. I keep crystals in several windows so am often surrounded by rainbows on a daily basis. They remind me of my mother, as we experienced many beautiful rainbows when we would be out driving together. I also asked her to communicate with me through rainbows from the world beyond, so her beautiful memory shines through every colour of the spectrum. Thanks to your wonderful talent, I will now think of the rays of sun as keeping me "in the right place at the right time" to make a positive difference in this world. Many thanks!"

On :
Joanne Goldsmith said, "Very nice prayer. I will refer to this, when I feel discouraged. Thank you!"

: Val Oliver
said, "Blessings to so many family, relatives, friends who are way out from their comfort zones, afraid for us and themselves, still committed to the imbalanced world status quo, struggling to make it work, trying to help us who are "different", trying to understand, trying to be supportive and doing the best they can within their own life story. ♥ Love, light and blessings to Prayables!"

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