
Wildebeests and zebras look as different as chalk and cheese.  One is bulky; the other is sleek. And yet, they have found the secret of co-existing peacefully. Without knowing of the word, they have developed symbiosis - a cooperative, mutually beneficial relationship.

I think of my childhood friends with whom I am still in touch, and marvel at the empathy, solidarity and synergy amongst us... because we make them happen. Dependable Emma who would cut her hair short if I had alopecia (hair loss); athletic Simone who’d take off her loafers because my stilettos hurt me; fashion-plate Helga who would leave the party early if I was tired; Earth-mother Susan who’d miss a boat-trip to visit me in the hospital; world-famous artiste Stella who’d clean my dirty laundry if my machine broke. I reciprocate as needed.

We have lived, loved, laughed and cried together, and prayed with and for one another.

Our friendship has withstood the test of time. Acquaintances come and go, but friends with whom you give-and-take, without counting the cost, remain forever.  When you are blessed with a true friend, treasure her.

- Tanja Cilia


Fresh Day

The black of night still hovers
as the morning trickles forth.
Remind me to keep this day
fresh, reverent and holy.

Remind me with my baby's gurgle,
my old dog's swishing tail,
the scent of coffee brewing,
with the blessing of this unknown day.

A gift from You, is it not?
a present to unwrap
minute by minute
hour by hour.

Remind me to thank You
for this day when
the night again rustles in.

- Karen Laven


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