2016-07-27 2016-07-27

The last place I expected to receive spiritual inspiration is in the songs of Miley Cyrus. Love her? Hate her? She's a pop princess, a product of Disney, and ready to make her own mark. At 18, she's already achieved massive fame and her dose of scandal.

Whether you deem her as a role model or parenting nightmare, set aside what you know of Miley Cyrus. Then reinterpret her song lyrics and you can find a spiritual lesson:

When my world is falling apart, when there's no light to break up the dark, that's when I look at you…

It's a song of finding strength in an ambiguous loved one.  I’m reminded to return to my spiritual roots to find strength and relief. I like to coast, thinking I'm fine...until I realize how far I've drifted away. I mean, really, if I can't take the time to pray, why should the Listener care on His end? But I'm always welcomed back into the fold.

Miley's motivation for spiritual change is simple: admit you need forgiveness, seek home, find love, and stumble upon truth in faith's company. That's a spiritual regimen I can vouch for.

By My Side

My heart is open to Your radiance.
I feel the beauty of the universe around me.
I smile knowing it is Your glorious creation.
When others tear me down,
You lift my spirits.
When all hope is lost,
You are the anchor which keeps me grounded.

My beliefs, dreams, hopes, and wishes are inspired by You.
I yearn to be as You are,
so tender, loving, and caring of all things in this world.
Enveloped in Your everlasting embrace,
I can achieve anything.

-Carmen Yonderly


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