I use it when the dentist looms over me with Novocain.
I use it when the airplane hits turbulence and I’m convinced we’re going to crash.
I use it when the lights go off and I’m home alone and admit to being scared.
It’s a simple child’s prayer and I use it often. It’s not brilliant or emotional. Yet, when times are tough- it gets me through.
I am the place where God shines through.
For He and I are One not two.
I may not fear, nor fret, nor plan,
He wants me where and as I am.
If I would be relaxed and free;
He'll carry out his plans through me.
I’m amazed that with all I forget these days, I remember this prayer. A prayer so simple that a child learns it and it stays in the heart forever.
Child Inside Me
I don't wanna.
I don't wanna get out of bed,
take a shower,
make breakfast.
I don't wanna iron my shirt,
drive to work,
sit in that blasted cubby all day.
You understand,
I do wish I'd wanna.
With Your help, I will
make the most of my day.
I won't disappoint me,
my children,
my boss,
or more importantly,