
It starts out as a caterpillar; the only “cute” creepy crawly insect I know. Next stop, cocoon, and finally the caterpillar fulfills her destiny as a butterfly. We humans transform too. And one way we track our progress is by the way we work.
Using nature as our guide, let’s look at three stages in professional development:

1. Caterpillar - Lay low, slowly and deliberately explore the landscape around you.
2. Cocoon - Keep still, hang out embrace the peace of waiting for change to happen.
3. Butterfly – Take flight, land softly, you are appreciated by those around you.

It’s clear there is an order to pursuing our life’s work. There’s holiness to be found in a job promotion, just as there is humility to be gained in unemployment.
Recognizing every stage of the path to professional transformation is… transformational! You will surely become who you are meant to be. Celebrate your inner butterfly yearning to be free.


Thoughts become attitudes,
attitudes become decisions.
Decisions become actions,
actions become habits.
Habits form character,
character shapes our destiny.

Help me to deal with
my thoughts properly.
Then You will fill my life
with a brilliant future.
A future held by You,
transformed with the sowing of right thinking.
Thinking that comes from You.

"What stage is your professional career?
Caterpillar, cocoon or butterfly?"


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