Unemployment has its benefits, especially when you perceive it as a time to communicate better with God. For example, I am able to wake early every morning, putt around the garden or take a nice long walk. I sometimes take my camera, capturing some amazing photos.
Recently, heading up the main street, by a tree I have passed numerous times before, I suddenly see a heart shaped knot in the base of a tree. I felt like it was a message from Above, saying, “Psst, Linda, you are loved!” I mean, it’s not every day you find something like this, so it must mean something, right?
Some say that I look at the world with rose-colored glasses, but I beg to differ. That statement leads one to believe that the person wearing the glasses does not see things realistically. I see things very realistically. I know pain exists, along with hate, disappointment, and disease.
I also know that God sends us love, beauty, kindness and serendipitous events to bring light into those dark places. All we need do is open the doors of our heart and mind to let it in.
Linda Rhinehart Neas, www.contemplativeed.blogspot.com
© 2011 Reprinted with permission.