Letting Go of Resentment and Fear
We’re a nation of scaredy-cats. Too many bills to pay, and not enough money. That’s the reality many people are living with today. More families are worried about losing their homes and their health care, and facing a future that looks pretty bleak. This fear is spreading. Is the media reporting on the fear that people are feeling or are they causing it? is the former U.S. Secretary of Labor and a professor at University of California at Berkley. He’s one smart dude and he just wrote a fascinating book called . If you’ve never had the chance to , I strongly suggest you do so now. He’s a great public speaker who explains macro-economics in clear and simple language. He tells the story of how his rational explanations became a problem for a certain T.V. producer. Reich was on a news talk show debating the pros and cons of the Bush tax cuts. He says it was a good give and take with a conservative colleague. Read next feature >
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