Sometimes the answer
is in the waiting…
sometimes the answer is, be still.
Pause. Breathe.
For Whoever crafted nature,
tiny toddler toes,
and worlds without end
is surely able.
And if the seventh day
was the day of rest,
Then no matter
how much world-shifting,
life-changing drama may be
in the offing,
there’s always
the seventh day.
Please remind me of this,
as I run in place,
and shake my fist at the sky.
Respite, relief, and rest will come.
Be present for me even
when I am not myself,
and help me to calm my mind.
sometimes the answer is, be still.
For Whoever crafted nature,
and worlds without end
And if the seventh day
Then no matter
life-changing drama may be
there’s always
Please remind me of this,
and shake my fist at the sky.
Respite, relief, and rest will come.
Be present for me even
and help me to calm my mind.