
The Primary Prayer

O God, most infinite and wise, Who breathed,
Life Eternal into my Soul and is my Divine Guide always,
Bring me now into the Union of All That Is,
Grant me to see the Oneness of that Union and recognize it as Myself.

O God, lead me into Your Light that reveals all Truth,
Open my eyes to see that Truth and my mouth speak It,
Lead me down the Illuminated Path that reveals delusion,
That I may not walk in delusion's shadow and fall prey to it.

O God, my Teacher and Guide, enlighten my Spirit with Your Wisdom,
That the lessons learned in this life may serve their purpose in my growth,
Allow me to detach from subjective experience and the pairs of opposites,
Teach me Your Patience and Acceptance that I may find peace in all things,

O Great Lord, Imperishable Person, and Blessed One encompass me,
Grant me transcendent meditation and prayer to bring You into my Being,
Lead me in Your Light, in Your Way, in Your Truth, in Your Self,
That Your Primordial Flame might burn within Me and my journey be complete.

O Great Lord, Imperishable Person, and Blessed One, dwell within Me,
Truly when You encompass Me what wave can extinguish My Flame?
Truly when You encompass Me what wind can shake My Foundation?
Truly when You encompass Me what drought can dry My Fountain?

O Great Lord, Imperishable Person, and Blessed One, dwell within Me,
Truly when you encompass Me I will fear nothing nor be deceived,
You were in the Beginning, You are Now, and You ever will Be,
Nothing exists outside of You, thus with You in Me what shall I fear?
All exists only by Your Accord, thus with You in Me what shall deceive Me?

O Mighty and Eternal Being, grant Me fair passage through this land,
Where pain and suffering rule and where the Lord of Self-Deception has sway,
Grant Me a strong heart to stand firm against Him and a sharp mind to pierce Him,
That I may soon shed His skin allowing My Spirit to forever reside in Joy and Truth.
O Mighty and Eternal Being, grant All Beings fair passage through this land,
Grant Us the collective strength to make this world as just as it can be,
Grant Us the collective will to turn from selfish pursuit and seek Oneness,
That We may inhabit a space filled with the Unity to which Each of Us is a rightful heir.

By You, Through You, In You

Forever and Forever

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