An interview with Paul Raushenbush

An excerpt from "Teen Spirit"
"Ask friends or acquaintances about their particular religious experience or belief. Steer them away from the 'official line' on their religion. Instead, guide the conversation to their personal experience, which can be more informative and interesting and could even provide the basis for a stronger bond between you and your friends...." Read more...

"What will God think if I convert?" "Can I keep my virginity and my boyfriend?" "How can I understand my pagan sister?" Paul Raushenbush offers insightful advice and nonjudgmental support to teens of all faiths who are exploring other traditions or just trying to better understand their own.
In addition to Q&As, "Teen Spirit" features religion basics (Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism); essays from teens ("Why I like being Baha'i"); primers on what each religion believes about different topics (interfaith dating, vegetarianism, drugs); quizzes ("Match the 'Simpsons' character with their religion"); and suggestions for popular movies, websites, and music with spiritual themes.

Ask Pastor Paul
Articles & Interviews
A Talk With Moby
The musician talks about losing his religion
Advice to a Young Minister
Paul Raushenbush interviews William Sloan Coffin
The Tattoo-Body Connection
Tattooing and body piercing as spiritual rites of passage
A House Divided: The Church and Israel
Pondering the American Protestant churches' uneasy stand on Israel
How to Be Bulletproof
An interview with Gotham Chopra, creator of the religious comic book behind the film "Bulletproof Monk"
Advice for Clergy
10 Commandments for a Successful Mission Trip
A guide for clergy
Confidentiality and the Clergy
What responsibilities do members of the clergy have to those who entrust them with secrets?