Helen Fitzgerald

Helen Fitzgerald writes two columns: The Grieving Child, with advice for adults on helping bereaved children; and The Grieving Teen, speaking directly to a teen audience.

The Grieving Child | The Grieving Teen

The Grieving Child

When Children's Holidays are Filled With Sadness

There are ways for the family to celebrate the season while coping with loss.

By Helen Fitzgerald


Back to School After a Death

Returning to school is hard for a child who has lost a family member.

By Helen Fitzgerald


What to Tell the Children

We can't protect our kids from the loss of loved ones. But our honesty can help them cope.


By Helen Fitzgerald

The Grieving Child: Helping a Fearful Child

What to do when a death in the neighborhood frightens a young child.


By Helen Fitzgerald

What Do We Tell the Kids?

Helen Fitzgerald takes on the question of how much children should be told about a parent's critical illness.


By Helen Fitzgerald

Do Children Grieve?

What form does grief take in children, and how can you help them?


By Helen Fitzgerald

Q & A: Coping with Childhood Grief

What to do when grieving children act out.


By Helen Fitzgerald

When a Parent Dies

When death takes your mate, how--and what--do you tell the children?


By Helen Fitzgerald

When a Sibling Dies

When parents lose a child, the whole world grieves with them. But what about the grief of surviving siblings?


By Helen Fitzgerald

The Grieving Teen

Bracing for the Holidays

Celebrating the holidays after a loss can be done; it just takes some creativity.


By Helen Fitzgerald

When a Friend Commits Suicide

Teens often have unresolved feelings about a friend's suicide. But there are ways to find comfort and closure


By Helen Fitzgerald

When Teenagers Lose a Parent

The particular challenges of mixing death and adolescence.


By Helen Fitzgerald

The Grieving Teen: A Cry for Help

What to do when a friend threatens violence.


By Helen Fitzgerald

Responding to Columbine

Can the teens of American find lessons--and meaning--in Columbine?


By Helen Fitzgerald

Q & A: What if I Feel the "Wrong" Thing?

Addressing teens' questions about the complex emotions of grief.


By Helen Fitzgerald

When Depression is Real

Many people use the word "depressed," but the real thing deserves serious attention.


By Helen Fitzgerald

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