Ana's Demons
Helping a child with bipolar disorder
By Julia Park Rodrigues
Let's Talk About S-E-X
Advice for fathers on that most uncomfortable of topics: Discussing it may help convince your children to wait till marriage.
By Walter Mueller
Unlikely Addict
An overachieving high school student's route into--and out of--cocaine and heroin addiction.
By Maia Szalavitz
Breaking Your Family's Curse
A pastor's theory of what's responsible for many family problems
Give Peace a Chance
Teaching kids to control their anger is a value that benefits not only your family but society as a whole
By Meg Eastman, Ph.D., with Sydney Craft Rozen
Marching for Justin
The mother of a 17-year-old slain in September at a Texas church talks about religion, gun violence, and the Million Mom March
Biting the Apple
How temptation at a young age later led to alcoholism.
By Therese Borchard
Blowing Up at Kids
When you lash out at your child, you lose a lot more than control
by Liza N. Burby
In His Own Words: Noah's Story
How did a Christian boy with loving and caring parents and a wonderful life evolve into a 'pothead'?
By Noah Harpham
Little Boy Lost
When the child you love gets into drugs, you feel as if you're spinning in the dark.
By Heather Kopp
Starving Body, Starving Soul
The desire to look like a fashion model has bred a dangerous cult of dieting.
February 2000
Jean G. Fitzpatrick
The Conversation
The kind every mother would like not to have....
January 2000
Fran Moreland Johns
The Boy on the Bench
When we can no longer watch out for our children, we have to believe that God will.
January 2000
Heather Kopp
"Daddy has died"
There was no guidebook for how to tell my children about Dan's sudden death
January 2000
Debbie Jospin