This teenage student, who lost both of his arms due to a medical infection, is making...
Marie Robinson went to visit her son’s grave on the anniversary of his death, and she...
Her doctors said she could never have another baby after the bombing, but then a miracle...
Joyce Kevorkian and Jim Bowman both recently lost their spouses, but were able to...
Only 9-years-old, J.T. was able to lift a car off of his father thanks to divine...
A son came home a couple days early from Kuwait to surprise his mom at her graduation...
Two men stopped to help a woman, on the brink of collapse, finish the Philadelphia half...
This couple is dancing the night away like they are in their twenties again!
Despite the frigid waters, a paramedic dived into a lake to save a baby from a submerged...
After she spent more than eight hours being transformed, Kelly says she is more...
Two months before the wedding, the groom was paralyzed after a freak accident. Instead...
Two police officers found a scared little sea lion that wanted to cuddle with the...