By SQuire Rushnell
Sometimes the best way to usher godwinks into your life is by stepping out in faith. That’s what Debbie did.

Are you familiar with Faberge Eggs? They DO have an association with Easter, but they were created as elaborate Easter gifts from the Czar of Russia for his wife, 150 years ago, by jeweler Peter Faberge. What are they worth today? Well they’ve sold at auctions for over ten million dollars.

A few years ago a Hollywood production company, Weller-Grossman, had the idea of pitching a profile of Peter Faberge for the A & E Channel’s Biography series. The network liked the idea. Gave them the order. Next, the task of researching all about the history of Faberge landed on the desk of Debbie Supnik. It was before Google and the internet. And Debbie searched far and wide trying to locate a descendant of the Faberge family to interview for their program. She couldn’t. After eight weeks she threw up her hands. “What are we going to do?” she asked with exasperation.

Her husband Paul was taking a business trip to England. “Why don’t you and Kate come along,” he suggested. Why not? she thought. It would give my frustrations a rest…and be some good mother-daughter time. In London, Debbie and Kate immersed themselves in art museums and tours for a whole week.

On their final day Kate was drawn toward an area in Piccadilly called Burlington Arcade. “Are you sure?” moaned Debbie to her energetic teenager, “Kate, I’m pooped.” But her daughter prevailed, lured by a charming gift shop.

Completing their purchase, they stood in line chatting. A gentleman just ahead of them turned to say, ”Jolly good. You’re American.” “Yes”, they both chimed and began a conversation with the man, who was dressed in an ascot carrying a dapper walking cane. Before departing he extended a hand, and said, “Nice chatting with you. My name is Theo Faberge.”

“Wha—t” gasped Debbie,”the HOUSE of Faberge??”

“Yes”, he smiled.

“I’ve been looking for you!”, she exclaimed.

And over the course of the next few weeks, Debbie’s new friend, Theo, made every connections necessary for them to complete the Biography program. Isn’t it fun to see how godwinks come into our lives?!

Debbie Supnik still works with Weller-Grossman. She and her husband Paul live in Los Angeles. Kate is in college.

Debbie’s story helps us understand that when we step out in faith…take action…begin a conversation with someone…that’s when you may be perfectly aligned to divinely receive your next godwink. I’m SQuire Rushnell. Good wishes and godwinks.

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