In a world that tells us to be richer, thinner, and younger, Jesuit priest Father Jim...
Father Jim Martin explains why the story of Jesus calming the stormy sea is one of his...
Who is Jesus and what does he want for our lives? Jesuit priest Father Jim Martin...
Do fears and negativity compromise your joy in life? Author Stormie Omartian describes...
Why do prayers sometimes seem to go unanswered? Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf explains that...
Forgiving those who wound us is not a natural response. But popular author Philip...
Do you enjoy reading the simple parable of the prodigal son? Author Philip Yancey...
The popular theologian recalls the parable of the Prodigal Son, as a great story and a...
Has Christ been revealed to you, and if so, how? Once hostile to Christianity,...
Frederica Mathewes-Green explains the mystery of Jesus' love through an ancient icon's...
What are the keys to a successful relationship? Television host and Catholic priest...
What are the four spiritual goals of Hinduism? Renowned Hindu leader Dr. Uma Myesorekar...