Travel guides

Lonely Planet

Often called the backpacker's bible, this series features tips for budget travelers and essential travel info.

Jerusalem Mosaic

Jerusalem Mosaic tells the city's history, an interactive trip to the past.

Window on the Wall

From Aish HaTorah, a webcam on the Western Wall of Jerusalem.

Wailing Wall

Service that takes your prayers, via email, to the Wailing Wall.

Israel and Palestinian Territory sites

Israel Ministry of Tourism

Palestine Net

Palestine Net's virtual office of tourism


A portal site for all things Israeli--culture, news, travel--written by those who live there.

The Complete Guide to Palestine's websites

Portal site for Palestine that promotes content produced from within the country.

Health and Safety Information for U.S. Travelers

U.S. State Department

The place to find passport and visa information, travel advisories and the U.S. consulate address in Egypt.

Center for Disease Control

Includes detailed information about immunizations, disease outbreaks and other general precautions to take when traveling abroad.

Other handy sites

The Universal Currency Converter


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