
"While considering the life changes that I was being called to make, I could feel my energy being drained by doubt. Suddenly I felt the familiar presence of my guardian angel. Knowing that help was at hand, I mentally asked for a sign to confirm that I was on the right track. It had been a lovely day with a brief shower. `A rainbow would truly would be a sign,' I said.

"In ten minutes you shall have your rainbow, my angel answered. I continued with the dishes and was distracted by one of my three children, when I suddenly realized at least ten minutes had passed. Hoping I hadn't missed the rainbow I rushed outside and there it was--a glorious rainbow!

"Dancing in the street, I thanked God and the angels. Peace and confidence filled my being; I knew everything would be fine. I stood marveling at the rainbow when I had the thought. "Why not two?" Before I could even check myself for having asked for more, another rainbow formed above the first. My knees almost buckled. The second rainbow cemented my commitment to the work I had before me."

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